Traffic Advisory: Road Closures Near Cosumnes Oaks High School and Pinkerton Middle School

Elk Grovians transporting students heading back to school this week should be advised of construction work in the vicinity of Elizabeth Pinkerton Middle School and Cosumnes Oaks High School. Sewer work related to new home construction has some segments of Whitelock Parkway, Lotz Parkway and Poppy Ridge Road closed until later this month.
Traffic Impacts
Detour signage is in place in the area and closures affect both standard and emergency traffic. Motorists should anticipate closures on the following roadway segments:
· Whitelock Parkway between Lousada Drive and Lotz Parkway through 8/11/17.
· The intersection of Lotz Parkway and Ponta Delgada Drive from 8/14/17 to 8/19/17
· Lotz Parkway from Whitelock to Ponta Delgada Drive from 8/14/17 to 8/19/17
· Poppy Ridge Road between Whitelock Parkway and Cape Verde from 8/15/17 to 8/19/17
· The intersection of Whitelock Parkway and Lotz Parkway from 8/21/17 to 8/26/17
All work on the intersection is estimated to be completed by August 26, 2017.