Traffic Signal “Green Wave” To Begin February 3

On February 3, the City of Elk Grove will implement changes to traffic signal timing along Elk Grove Boulevard and Laguna Boulevard/Bond Road between Bruceville Road and Elk Grove-Florin Road.
Green Wave
The changes will reduce traffic and decrease travel times by improving traffic signal coordination. Furthermore, the signals will be timed, for those traveling east or west, at speed limit (typically 45 MPH ), to ensure greater probability of getting through green lights. This form of traffic signal coordination is commonly referred to as a “green wave”.
The signal timing cycle lengths will be longer at each intersection in order to accommodate the signal coordination. This allows the signals to stay coordinated for longer intervals. Also, the changes will include updating left turn signal timing so that they will coordinate better with the green wave signals. Additionally, the change to the left-turn phasing is necessary in order to increase the amount of time for the green wave.
Traffic Congestion Management
The City’s Traffic Congestion Management Plan (TCMP) was introduced to the City Council in April 2019. Additionally, signal coordination was presented as a key component of the TCMP. The changes will be implemented in two phases on Elk Grove Blvd. and Laguna Blvd./Bond Rd.
Phase 1, which begins on February 3, includes new signal coordination for the following routes:
- Elk Grove Boulevard – From Bruceville Road to Elk Grove-Florin Road
- Laguna Boulevard – From Bruceville Road to Bond Road
- Bond Road – From Laguna Boulevard to Elk Grove-Florin Road
Phase 2 coordination plans will be developed for the following:
- Elk Grove Boulevard – From Interstate 5 (I-5) to Bruceville Road
- Laguna Boulevard – From Interstate 5 (I-5) to Bruceville Road
Signal coordination plans for Phase 2 will be funded in the 2020-21 fiscal year. Consequently, these changes are expected to go in effect in Spring 2021.
Furthermore, coordination plans will be expanded to include other roads in the future as part of the ongoing efforts to better manage traffic congestion throughout the city.
For questions or comments about the signal coordination plans, please contact Public Works at 916-478-2256. For more information or to review the Traffic Congestion Management Plan please visit http://www.elkgrovecity.org/city_hall/departments_divisions/public_works/traffic_engineering.

City of Elk Grove Traffic Congestion Fact Sheet

City of Elk Grove Traffic Engineering