5 Games To Keep You Entertained During Quarantine

As the lockdown for Elk Grove and Sacramento moves into May, many of us are probably going stir crazy. As for me, despite being an introvert and having plenty of things to do in the house, I am feeling the desire to go outside and interact with the community after two months in quarantine. I can only see the inside of my house so many times before I go insane.
But fret not!
Games have become my savior during this lockdown. Maybe they can be yours as well. On this list are several games that I find to be fun, entertaining, and easy to understand.
Stardew Valley
If you are familiar with the Harvest Moon series, this game is more or less the same thing but on the PC. (I believe it is also available on other consoles now too). In the game, you go to Stardew Valley, tired of the monotonous grind of life after inheriting your grandfather’s farm. Except, the farm has seen better days, and so has the town you are living in. You spend your time growing crops, raising livestock, and getting to know your neighbors. True, the graphics are not amazing or game-changing, but the game gives you a semblance of being outside. Also, did I mention that this game is multiplayer? Experience what it’s like to be a farmer without stepping outside your house.
Get it on Steam, Switch, PS4, Xbox One, or your phone. (Although, I don’t recommend playing it on a mobile device.)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
This huge cult favorite game is available on the Nintendo Switch. While the game was just recently released, people have put in hundreds of hours of game time. It is a relaxing game about making your home and town into whatever it is you want it to be, collecting fish and bugs, paying off your home mortgage, and making tons of friends.
The game is available as a digital download from your Nintendo Switch, or you can buy a physical copy from Target, BestBuy, Gamestop, or Walmart.
Do you happen to love Dungeon and Dragons? Or maybe Pathfinder? Or Shadowrun? If you do, but can’t meet at the table because of the Coronavirus, you’re in luck. Roll20 is a website that makes it easy for friends to play online. The website includes compendiums for a variety of tabletop games. It also has character sheets and a media library for you and your Dungeon Master to store images and game tokens.
The website is free to use, but there is also a subscription service if you need more space for your maps and game tokens.
My Time At Portia
Another life/farm simulation game, My Time At Portia throws in a storyline and clear objectives, unlike Stardew Valley. This is a single-player game that needs a little more computer power and graphics than the average laptop. If your computer can handle this game, you’ll have hours of fun learning about Portia and building it into a hub for everyone to enjoy.
Get it on Steam or Switch.
Overcooked series
This party game is about cooking a series of orders without messing up. The catch is you have to control two cooks or coordinate with a friend. The kitchen isn’t always willing to cooperate though. You may have to make dinner on a hot air balloon or on floating platforms that move around. Either way, you’re bound to have fun making sashimi or dim sum with your friends and family.
Get it on Steam, Switch, PS4, or Xbox One.
Summer Sale
As a side note, Steam runs a Summer Sale where a plethora of games go on sale. The sale could start in May through August, so get your wallets ready.