Baby Braeson’s Fight Cancer Fundraiser At Brick House December 5

Braeson’s Fight Cancer Fundraiser
On December 5 from 6pm-9pm, The Brick House in Elk Grove will be holding a fundraiser for a one year old boy battling cancer named Braeson. The Pasta Night at the Brick House funderaiser is an all you can eat dinner that comes with soup, salad, bread, and a fountain drink. Each ticket is $25 with Brick House only taking enough to cover food cost. You can find more details on their ticket page. There are 300 tickets available for this event, they have sold about 50 so far. Buy tickets here.

Braeson the morning of his 1st surgery

Braeson after surgery
A Local Family In Need
First of all, I reached out to Braeson’s parents via Facebook. His mother Samantha sent me a quote and some photos to share. “Well Braeson was diagnosed with brain cancer called ATRT at the age of 9 months. He had a 98% resection of his brain tumor. He has undergone 3 rounds of chemo at UC Davis medical center in Sacramento and has had 1 round of chemo with stem cell rescue and has 2 more to go at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. All of the money that is raised is to help with our stay here in San Francisco as we have to pay for food, gas and expenses for Braeson. Ryan is the only source of income at the time being due to me being his 24/7 caregiver.”
Braeson was originally admitted to the hospital for having fluids in his head. Important to note, after getting an MRI, a golf ball sized tumor was found in his cerebellum with tentacles invading the brain stem. Therefore, Baby Braeson and his family have been in and out of the hospital every few days since August for cancer treatment. Furthermore, Braeson has needed physical and speech therapy to try to keep him hitting the normal baby milestones. However, hitting milestones has proven difficult when spending time in a hospital crib bed.
Throughout the process, his mother says that her brave little guy has been smiling and talking to her. The family is currently in San Francisco where Braeson is getting treatment. Consequently, they will have to spend Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year in the hospital.
Please Attend Fundraiser Or Donate
In conclusion, this is a wonderful opportunity to lift up a local family in a difficult situation. The Elk Grove Tribune encourages you all to attend Braeson’s Fight Cancer Fundraiser at Brick House December 5. I cannot imagine going through what Braeson’s family is going through and I want to do everything possible to help.
If you cannot attend the Pasta Night Fundraiser and feel compelled to donate, you can do so on the Braeson’s Fight Go Fund Me Page.

Baby Braeson in his hospital crib