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Elk Grove Unified School District Cancels School This Upcoming Week

Elk Grove Unified School District Cancels School This Upcoming Week

Elk Grove Unified School District (EGUSD) cancels school and any student-related activities starting Saturday March 7  to Friday March 13.

Next week’s school cancellation will take the place of the district’s traditional/modified spring breaks, originally set for April 6 – 10 (Traditional) and April 6 – 17 (Modified Traditional).

Reason for School Cancellation

The EGUSD announcement comes after Sacramento County Public Health Department (SCPH) confirmed on Friday, March 6, that a family in the Elk Grove district was put on quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19.

UPDATE: As of Monday March 9, one of four children home with family members that tested positive for COVID-19 has also tested positive. This child is in elementary school. Elk Grove Unified School District officials are not saying which school the affected student attends. 

The decision was made by the Board of Trustees, labor groups, the Sacramento County Office of Education, and the Sacramento County Public Health Department.

Huntington Learning Center

To Stay Updated

EGUSD says they are working closely with SCPH for updates and guidance. They are aware of the the concerns around COVID-19 and the current cases in the Sacramento area.

For the latest information regarding COVID-19’s impact on the Elk Grove Unified School District, please visit the EGUSD website. To learn more about the virus, please visit SCPH’s webpage devoted to covering COVID-19.

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Christopher Parkhurst

About The Author

Lu Vue

Lu Vue is our Content Editor & Social Media Director. She is a teacher and writer. Lu taught English and writing in the inner city for most of her educational career and expresses her creativity through writing. She is passionate about students and people and telling their stories with wit and authenticity. She blogs and writes poetry and creative stories at Follow her on Instagram @thecrazedpoet for creative updates.

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