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Imagine Play Elk Grove Hosts a Frozen Extravaganza

Imagine Play Elk Grove Hosts a Frozen Extravaganza

Imagine Play brought Elsa and the magic of Arendelle to Elk Grove on Tuesday with their Frozen Extravaganza.  Imagine Play is a new indoor imaginative play facility for children which opened on Oct 22 off 99 and Grant Line Road in Elk Grove. They offer special events a couple times a month such as the Super Hero Academy and upcoming Cars Building Workshop.

Tickets for Special Events are sold in pre-sale tickets before the event. Tickets are offered at the door only if all the pre-sale tickets are not sold. The Frozen Extravaganza sold out over a week before the event. We were so happy to be able to grab some tickets. My daughter put on her finest Elsa dress and we headed to the Frozen Extravaganza.

An exciting itinerary was planned for the children!  First of all, we were ushered to a party room with a hot cocoa bar.  We topped our cocoa with an array of toppings and enjoyed a quick snack before the action started.  During this time, open play was available and my daughter loves playing with all the play structures and toys at Imagine Play.

The Main Event

Queen Elsa was the big main attraction of the day!  She read a story as all the little boys and girls huddled around.  After the story was a sing-along rendition of Do You Want to Build a Snowman which delighted the children!  Next, she created snow from magical water she brought from Arendelle.  All the children swarmed to feel the snow which is a rare sight for Elk Grove.  Most noteworthy, Elsa made sure all the children who wanted to be include were given attention, even placing a small handful of snow in my daughter’s waiting hands.  Another exciting thing for the children is getting individual photos with Elsa.  Before she left, Elsa offered face painting to the children.

Crafts and Activities

Imagine Play also offered up crafts and activities for the kids as Elsa was wrapping up.  One room had painting activities.  My daughter tried out painting with colored ice which was an ingenious and much less messy alternative to regular paint.  She, of course, had to try the regular paint out too.  The other party room held even more activities.  First up, we got to “build a snowman” out of marshmallows, pretzels, and candy which we got to take home.  Then, I helped her customize her own wand and she was presented with a crown to take home.  Lastly, she spent a long time playing with the sensory sand activity.

Huntington Learning Center

Check Out Imagine Play Special Events

In conclusion, the $20 event ticket price was well worth the experience we had at Imagine Play.  From the one on one Elsa time to the armload of items we got to take home, everything was impressively executed!  Imagine Play did an awesome job organizing the event.  Limited tickets made it so that waiting time was bearable for the children.   Staff members kept the lines moving and the mess at bay.  I applaud Imagine Play for bringing these kinds of activities to Elk Grove. I highly recommend you book tickets to their next Special Event!



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About The Author

Ashley Newell

Ashley Newell is the Managing Editor of the Elk Grove Tribune. Ashley is a wife, mother, and long time Elk Grove resident. She has been blogging for 10 years at (formerly Heart Hugs Designs) and was voted 5th place in Sacramento Area A-List Local Best Blogger 2017. She is passionate about helping others, trying new things, and spreading the word about her finds. You can connect with her using her Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter @ashleynewell_me, and on her site

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