Roseville Man Arrested For Soliciting 8 Year Old Girl For Sex Via Snapchat

Gilbert Garcia-Bejarano
A mother called Roseville police on January 1 after she found inappropriate Snapchat messages on her 8 year old daughter’s cellphone. The messages are sexual in nature and ask the young girl to meet up to have sex. It’s important to note that the victim is only 8 years old and well under the age of consent. Furthermore, they also request nude pictures. The Roseville Police Department states that the suspect knew the victim’s age.
Gilbert Garcia-Bejarano was arrested Tuesday January 2. Detectives posed as the victim and arranged to meet him in Sacramento. Garcia-Bejarano showed up and Roseville detectives apprehended him. The charges are sending and soliciting sexually explicit material from a minor, contacting a minor for sexual purposes, and possessing false immigration documents. Garcia-Bejarano is currently at the South Placer Jail. Consequently, no bail is currently set.