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Sacramento County Ordered To Close Bars As COVID-19 Infections Rise

Sacramento County Ordered To Close Bars As COVID-19 Infections Rise

Photo by Patrick Tomasso

Shortly after moving deeper into Phase 3 of California’s four phase plan to reopen the economy, with California opening higher-risk businesses and venues up and down the coast, Sacramento County is now closing bars once again. Establishments with sit-down and dine-in food options are allowed to stay open, however, according to the state health department.

The call came a day after Governor Gavin Newsom ordered the mandatory close of bars in seven counties, including in bigger cities like Los Angeles and Fresno.

The order for Sacramento County goes into effect at 6:00 PM tonight, June 29.

Infections Across the Nation

With continued rising cases of COVID-19 across the world and nation, Sacramento County is taking a step back to quell and prevent the number of increasing cases.

The U.S. today has more than 2.5 million infections and at least 125,000 deaths. Last week, many states broke their daily infections records and the U.S. recorded a record high single-day cases with 40,173 infections reported on Friday.

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Why are Bars Closing?

California public health officials list bars at the top of high risk businesses because drinking alcohol can impair judgement. When people are under the influence, they can neglect to wear face masks and maintain social distance.

Not only that, because of the volume inside bars, with both music and multiple voices talking at once, officials say it is customary for people to raise their voices to talk in a bar, which can lead to the spread of more droplets.

Already, a few Midtown bars in Sacramento have closed after customers tested positive for COVID-19.

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About The Author

Lu Vue

Lu Vue is our Content Editor & Social Media Director. She is a teacher and writer. Lu taught English and writing in the inner city for most of her educational career and expresses her creativity through writing. She is passionate about students and people and telling their stories with wit and authenticity. She blogs and writes poetry and creative stories at Follow her on Instagram @thecrazedpoet for creative updates.

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