Team Elk Grove & Other Community Leaders Stand By Cosumnes CSD Director Jaclyn Moreno & Her Claims of Harassment

Team Elk Grove
The claims of bullying, harassment, intimidation, and misogyny continue against Mayor Steve Ly. More female elected officials are stepping forward with their accounts. Cosumnes CSD Director Jaclyn Moreno recently came forward with her story. She claims that Mayor Ly used his position along with a campaign staffer to bully her during her 2018 election campaign for Cosumnes CSD Board Director. Team Elk Grove, including Cosumnes CSD Director Orlando Fuentes, SMUD Board Ward 4 Director Rosanna Herber, and Andres Ramos, and other notable city leaders are backing her claims and supporting her.
Moreno ran for political office for the first time inn 2018. She was part of Team Elk Grove, where candidates joined forces to win their office positions. The members on the slate of Team Elk Grove were Steve Ly (Mayor of Elk Grove), Jaclyn Moreno (Cosumnes CSD Board), Andres Ramos (ran for City Council District 2), Orlando Fuentes (ran for City Council District 4), Rod Brewer (Cosumnes CSD Board), and Rosanna Herber (SMUD Board Ward 4). The individual that Jaclyn says harassed her was Tyson Sorci, former External Affairs Liason to Mayor Steve Ly.
For more information regarding these allegations, read Op-Ed: I was Harrassed and Intimidated. Mayor Ly Refused To Stop It.
From Team Elk Grove
Not only are city leaders stepping forward, but others from Team Elk Grove have come out and support Moreno’s claims.
Rosanna Herber was part of Team Elk Grove and confirmed that she supports Moreno.

Rosanna Herber, SMUD Board Director Ward 4
“I’m 100% behind Jaclyn Moreno! Jaclyn is one of the finest people I know and I support her 100%. I believe her account to be credible.”

Andres Ramos, former Elk Grove City Council District 2 candidate
Andre Ramos made his statement on Facebook, further disclosing details about the campaign process.
“I was a member of Team Elk Grove in 2018 and can confirm what happened to Jaclyn. An individual who worked on the campaign engaged in harassing behavior and made many discriminatory comments, primarily targeting Jaclyn.
Most of the team rallied behind Jaclyn and wanted that individual gone. While some action was taken, it wasn’t anywhere near enough. More should have been done.
I fully support Jaclyn for calling in for accountability and support her proposed recommendations of reform. I hope the Mayor & Council move forward with adopting them.
Thank you for Jaclyn for speaking up and charting the way forward, I know this has been a heavy burden to bear.”

Orlando Fuentes, Cosumnes CSD Board Trustee
Lastly, Orlando Fuentes gave his input.
“I want to commend my colleague, Jaclyn Moreno, for speaking out and sharing the story of harassment she experienced during the 2018 campaign. I was there and want to lend my voice to confirm the truth of her story.
I stand with Jaclyn in condemning harassment and discrimination, especially against women and girls, and support her fully in calling for accountability and systemic reform. Harassment and discrimination are unacceptable and the individuals who engage in that behavior need to be held responsible.”
Rod Brewer who was also on Team Elk Grove declined to comment. He cited personal reasons for neglecting to comment but indicated that he had no issues with Jaclyn Moreno.
Other Women Elected Leaders Speak Out Against
Mayor Steve Ly & Support Jaclyn Moreno

Bobbie Singh-Allen, EGUSD Board Trustee
On July 3, EGUSD Board Trustee Bobbie Singh-Allen shared her story on her Facebook page.
“Not many people know but enough were made aware. It’s August 2012 and I was just appointed to Elk Grove Unified School District to fill a vacancy. Steve Ly was sitting in the audience. He failed to get another vacancy earlier that Spring when it was vacated by Pam Irey. I didn’t know Steve Ly.
After many hours of deliberations, I was ultimately appointed. I was immediately sworn in without my family present. As a board member of the Elk Grove Teen Center and Elk Grove Food Bank, a then member of Laguna Rotary, I was strongly vested in my community.
Days following the appointment, Steve Ly and his clans men came after me. They contacted the District to find out how to contest the appointment and petition to have it overturned. Realizing the hurdle was high, they resorted to online attacks and phone calls. I was the first Indian American woman to serve and Steve Ly didn’t like it.
I wondered why? Well it was simple. Earlier in the Spring when Steve Ly was rejected from being appointed to EGUSD, I testified in support of someone else who was a product of the District and coach for mock trial for years at Elk Grove High School.”
On July 28, Singh-Allen posted a surprise announcement on her Facebook that she was running for Mayor of Elk Grove. Here is an excerpt.
“Enough is Enough
I have had a front row seat to Steve Ly’s bullying, harassment, and intimidation for the last three weeks. He has come after private citizens, community leaders, and elected women. The community is rallying together today to say enough is enough to Steve Ly and his failed leadership.
Today, I am announcing my candidacy for Mayor of Elk Grove.”
When Moreno posted on Facebook, Singh-Allen commended her.
“Speaking up and speaking out is how we reclaim our voice. You are strong and brave.”

Nancy Chaires Espinoza, EGUSD Board Trustee
On July 22 EGUSD Board Trustee Nancy Chaires Espinoza, posted an Op-Ed in Elk Grove Tribune with her own Steve Ly story Op-Ed: My Steve Ly Story.
Trustee Chaires Espinoza confirmed that she stands by Jaclyn Moreno.
“I applaud Jaclyn’s courage in speaking up while the abuse was occurring. Mr Ly’s refusal to protect her from this repulsive treatment speaks volumes about the value he places on women, survivors of abuse, and his self-professed “progressive” beliefs.
I hope people will reflect on the fact that this is how he treats his allies, women who are actively supporting him, in front of witnesses. Just think of what he’s capable of when hiding behind fake email addresses, fake social media accounts, blocked phone numbers, and individuals carrying out his wishes. Sadly some of us don’t have to imagine at all.”
Elk Grove Leaders Speak Out In Support
Trustees Singh-Allen and Chaires Espinoza courageously came forward with their stories of harassment and bullying. Now, Elk Grove leaders are breaking the silence and speaking out.

Tami Nelson, Los Rios Community College District Board Trustee
Tami Nelson, a Los Rios Community College District Board Trustee posted a statement on her Facebook.
“I was saddened when I heard that a few local women were recently silenced and threatened for speaking out about their personal experiences. This is never ok and needs to be addressed and investigated. If someone wants to share their side, then they have the same ability to respond to what was said. Let’s get things out in the open.
I stand in solidarity with the women speaking out and telling their stories. I applaud your courage and want you to know you are not alone.”
Amar Shergill, Progressive Caucus Chair of the California Democratic Party
Amar Shergill is a vocal advocate for the wellbeing of the city and its citizens. Shergill is also the Progressive Caucus Chair for the California Democratic Party. Here is his statement on the allegations.
“On July 1, 2020, I made a public statement calling for an investigation into the “pattern of offensive and illegal threats against women who criticize Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly” and denounced those abusive acts. That investigation should continue, however, given all that has been revealed over the past month, we do not need further facts to determine that Mayor Ly no longer deserves the position he has been honored with.
Mayor Ly has enabled a pattern of sexual harassment including collaboration with the harassers. He must resign and I have called upon him directly to do so. The residents of Elk Grove deserve a Mayor that puts the well being of the people around them above all else and is free of influence from those that do not share that goal.”
Mayor Steve Ly faces a censure vote at the next Elk Grove City Council Meeting.