City Of Sacramento Looking To Repeal Ordinance Requiring People To Stand During National Anthem After Lawsuit Filed

Brought to the attention of Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and city leaders recently was a 92 year old city ordinance, requiring people to stand during the national anthem. Steinberg is looking to repeal the ordinance.
On July 1, a Las Vegas man, Jack Lipeles, filed a lawsuit, challenging the ordinance. Lipeles was worried he could get arrested for not standing for “The Star-Bangled Banner” at a King’s game. The suit claims that the ordinance is unconstitutional, violating Lipeles’ right to freedom of speech.
The Sacramento ordinance states: “The song, ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ is recognized as the national anthem of the United States. When this music is played on a proper occasion during ceremonials, at the close of concerts, theatres, etc., all present shall stand at attention, facing the flag, or, if no flag is displayed, facing the music, and shall render the salute to the flag.”
In May 1928, at the request of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the ordinance was adopted as a part of flag protocols.
Today, Steinberg announced that the ordinance repeal would be placed on the July 28th, Sacramento City Council meeting agenda.